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发布时间:2022-06-02来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 浏览次数:

近日,《The Physics Teacher》期刊发表了我院闫循旺教授课题组的最新研究成果。论文题目为"Understanding Aristotle’s Wheel Paradox from the Viewpoint of Motion Decomposition", (The Physics Teacher 60, 212-214  (2022)  )第一作者为学科教学专业2020级研究生徐惠玲同学,物理教学论教研室王彦芸老师为通讯作者。《The Physics Teacher》由美国物理教师协会(The American Association of Physics Teachers ,简称AAPT)主办,是国际上影响力最高的物理教育类期刊之一,是基础物理教学研究领域的唯一SCI期刊。该期刊年发文量为150篇左右,自创刊以来,国内学者发文约为15篇(包括这篇)。同时,该成果是伟德国际1946源于英国首次发表SCI教学研究论文。


说明: pte.2022.60.issue-3.largecover.jpg说明: U}8[7QV}%{SXV5E~``JAI4H


亚里士多德车轮悖论:如图所示,大轮和小轮的半径是不同的,车轮滚动一周后,A点和B点的位移应该为大小轮各自周长,是不同的。但,滚动一周后,确实产生了相同的水平位移距离。伽利略提出的多边形解释,从小多边形边缘的印迹是虚线,得出B点轨迹由大量间隙,较复杂。多数学者从AB轨迹的摆线方程入手进行解释,但其过程较为冗长。本论文从运动的分解角度, B点的运动分解为匀速直线运动和匀速圆周运动,得出大轮做无滑滚动时,小轮做滚动加滑动的合运动,即有滑滚动。

成果意义见编辑和审稿人评价:评价一:Very nice work. I look forward to reading a revision that attends to the referee comments! GDW ”;评价二:yet the previous explanations were not laid out in the simple and straight forward manner that this one is in.”;评价三:I believe that this would be a excellent open question to, as the authors state, "train students' ability to analyze the complex motion."  It is understandable paradox with a clear explanation and deviation and has the potential to really let students explore a simple attainable solution to the paradox that develops their problem solving ability. 论文发表后,国内外不少学者与作者联系,表示对该研究感兴趣。









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