个人情况及研究方向: 男,汉族,教授,博士生导师,博士毕业于中科院理论物理研究所; 2011—2017年工作于安阳师范学院,2017年至今工作于伟德国际victor1946。2013-2015年工作于北京计算科学研究中心(博士后研究)。研究方向和方法:计算凝聚态物理方向,电子结构模拟,研究课题:磁性二维材料设计、超导电性、磁性各向异性、铁磁相变、拓扑物性、催化机理。
联系方式: yanxunwang@163.com QQ:2404871317
1. 2019年国家自然科学二等奖,铁基超导电子结构与磁相互作用的理论研究
刘大鹏同学获得国家奖学金(国家级)、“伟德国际victor1946第十四届研究生学术论坛”一等奖(校级) 、伟德国际victor1946优秀研究生成果奖(校级)、“优秀团员”称号(校级)、“优秀团员标兵”称号(校级)、“2021年优秀研究生”称号(校级)
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目12274255):磁性二维材料的新结构设计和调控磁相变温度各因素的理论研究,2023.01-2026.12.
2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目11974207):石墨烯等双层转角系统中莫尔势对电子结构和电子关联效应调制的理论研究,2020.01-2023.12.
3. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目11474004): 芳烃超导体的晶体结构和电子态的理论研究。2015.01-2018.12
4. 国家自然科学基金(联合基金培育项目U1204108)新型有机超导体–金属掺杂稠环芳烃化合物的电子结构和磁性,2012.01-2015.12
1. Dapeng Liu, Panjun Feng, Shuo Zhang, Miao Gao, Fengjie Ma, Xun-Wang Yan and Z. Y. Xie. “Prediction of single-atom-thick transition metal nitride CrN4 with a square-planar network and high-temperature ferromagnetism”, Physical Review B 106, 125421 (2022).
2. Shuo Zhang, Panjun Feng, Dapeng Liu, Hongfen Wu, Miao Gao, Tongshuai Xu, Xun-Wang Yan, Z. Y. Xie. “Two-dimensional binary transition metal nitride MN4 (M = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) with a graphene-like structure and strong magnetic properties”, Physical Review B 106, 235402 (2022).
3. Panjun Feng, Shuo Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Miao Gao, Fengjie Ma, Xun-Wang Yan, and Z. Y. Xie. “Achieving high-temperature ferromagnetism by means of magnetic ion dimerization in the graphene-like Mn2N6C6 monolayer”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 10139(2022).
4. Panjun Feng, Xiaohui Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Miao Gao, Fengjie Ma, Xun-Wang Yan, and Z. Y. Xie. “Interlayer Coupling Induced Sharp Increase of the Curie Temperature in a Two-Dimensional MnSn Multilayer”, ACS omega 7, 43316 (2022).
5. Hongfen Wu, Panjun Feng, Shuo Zhang, Dapeng Liu, Miao Gao, and Xun-Wang Yan. “First-principles study of Fe atom adsorbed biphenylene monolayer”, Acta Physica Sinica 71, 036801 (2022).
6. Huiling Xu, Xun-Wang Yan and Yanyun Wang. “Understanding aristotle’s wheel paradox from the viewpoint of motion decomposition”, The Physics Teacher 60, 212 (2022).
7. Jingping Dong, Chuhan Wang, Xinlei Zhao, Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Fengjie Ma, and Zhong-Yi Lu. “Two-dimensional anisotropic Dirac materials PtN4C2 and Pt2N8C6 with quantum spin and valley Hall effects”, Physical Review Materials 6, 074202 (2022).
8. Xinlei Zhao, Dapeng Liu, Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Fengjie Ma and Zhong-Yi Lu. “A two-dimensional topological nodal-line material MgN4 with extremely large magnetoresistance”, Nanoscale 10.1039/D2NR02873E (2022).
9. Dapeng Liu, Panjun Feng, Miao Gao, and Xun-Wang Yan. “CoN4C2: Two-dimensional cobalt carbonitride with a flat-band feature”, Physical Review B 103, 155411 (2021).
10. Dapeng Liu, Shuo Zhang, Miao Gao, and Xun-Wang Yan. “Prediction of the two-dimensional cobalt carbonitride compounds CoN4C10, Co2N8C6, and Co2N6C6”, Physical Review B 103, 125407 (2021).
11. Dapeng Liu, Shuo Zhang, Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan and Z. Y. Xie. “Robust ferromagnetism in single-atom-thick ternary chromium carbonitride”, Applied Physics Letters 118, 223104 (2021).
12. Yulong Hai, Ning Lu, Huili Tian, Mengjing Jiang, Wei Yang, Wenjie Li, Xun-Wang Yan, Chao Zhang, Xiaojia Chen, and Guohua Zhong. “Cage structure and near room-temperature superconductivity in TbHn(n = 1–12)”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 3640 (2021).
13. Jinning Wang, Xun-Wang Yan, and Miao Gao. “High-temperature superconductivity in SrB3C3 and BaB3C3 predicted from first-principles anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg theory”, Physical Review B 103, 144515 (2021).
14. Ruyi Zhao, Xun-Wang Yan and Miao Gao. “Inverted V-shaped evolution of superconducting temperature in SrBC under pressure”, Chinese Physics B 30, 10.1088/1674-1056/abfbcc (2021).
15. Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Zhong-Yi Lu, and Tao Xiang. “Phonon mediated high- temperature superconductivity in the ternary borohydride KB2H8 under pressure near 12 GPa”, Physical Review B 104, L100504 (2021).
16. Zhen-Feng Ouyang, Xun-Wang Yan and Miao Gao. “Electronic structure, phonons, and high-temperature phonon-mediated superconductivity in lithium-intercalated diamond-like boron compounds”, Applied Physics Express 13, 083003 (2020).
17. Xiaotian Jin, Xun-Wang Yan, and Miao Gao. “First-principles calculations of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride: Possibility of superconductivity”, Physical Review B 101, 134518 (2020).
18. Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Zhong-Yi Lu, and Tao Xiang. “Strong-coupling superconductivity in LiB2C2 trilayer films”, Physical Review B 101, 094501 (2020).
19. Liran Shi, Xun-Wang Yan, Lin Ju, Junlong Tian, Zhengcai Xia. “The effect of oxygen vacancy on magnetism of geometrically frustrated triangular lattice CuFeO2: Ab initio study”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 486, 165295 (2019).
20. Cengceng Lei, Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan. “Electron-phonon coupling in FeB4 reexamined by maximally localized Wannier functions”, Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications 563, 36 (2019).
21. Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Jun Wang, Zhong-Yi Lu, and Tao Xiang. “Electron-phonon coupling in a honeycomb borophene grown on Al(111) surface”, Physical Review B 100, 024503 (2019).
22. Dongdong Zheng, Miao Gao and Xun-Wang Yan. “Electron–phonon coupling in heavily electron-doped bulk FeSe: A first-principles investigation”, Applied Physics Express 12,013003 (2019).
23. Chunfang Zhang, Zhongbing Huang, Xun-Wang Yan, and Haiqing Lin. “Charge transfer effect on Raman shifts of aromatic hydrocarbons with three phenyl rings from ab initio study”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 074306 (2019).
24. Cengceng Lei, Miao Gao and Xun-Wang Yan. “Electron-phonon coupling in FeB4 reexamined by maximally localized Wannier functions”, Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 563, 36 (2019).
25. Xun-Wang Yan, Chunfang Zhang, Guohua Zhong, and Jing Li. “Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of metal-doped phenanthrene by codoping method”, AIP Advances 9,035104 (2019).