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发布时间:2015-01-06来源:伟德国际1946源于英国暂无 浏览次数:

题 目:Itinerant ferromagnetism in repulsively interacting spin-orbitcoupled Fermi gas

报告人:叶锦武 教授(首都师范大学、美国密西西比州立大学

时 间:1月8日(周四)上午10:00

地 点:物理楼313学术报告厅


We investigate theitinerant ferromagnetism of repulsively interacting Fermi gases with spin-orbitcoupling (SOC). We find that the spin-orbit coupling provides a new andefficient mechanism to realize the itinerant ferromagnetism (FM) which is along sought state in material science at much weaker repulsive interactions. Wepresent a classification of the symmetries and symmetry breaking of the SOCHamiltoniian and their exact constraints on the density-spin correlationfunctions. In the FM side, the Fermi surfaces acquire a finite momentum andalso experience a topological Lifshitz transition, the symmetry breaking leadsto one gapped transverse pseudo-Goldstone mode instead of one gapless Goldstonemode. Various experimental probes are discussed.




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