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发布时间:2017-10-08来源:伟德国际1946源于英国 浏览次数:

报告题目:Some recent developments in complex networks

人:胡進錕 研究员(台湾中研院物理研究所)

   间:2017109 上午9:00




In this talk, I briefly review some recent developments in complex networks . Among ancient civilizations, only China has several comprehensible character sets, including oracle bone inscriptions (OBI) in Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), Chu characters (CC) in Warring State Period (476–221 BC), characters in dictionary Shuowen Jiezi (SJ) edited in Eastern Han Dynasty (23-206 AD), and in Kangxi Dictionary (KD) edited in 1710-1716.Such Chinese characters were constructed via combinations of roots. When two roots appear in the same character, they are connected by a link and a complex network of all roots of a character set thus forms. We calculated the clustering coefficient, the average shortest distances between nodes, the degree distribution, etc., of each network, which indicate that all roots networks have characteristics of small world and scale-free. From OBI, Chu, SJ, to KD, the parameters of the networks have consistent evolution trend. The root structures make Chinese characters comprehensible and survival in the long evolution history .

  We use network theory to analyze the Chinese history ofthe Western Han Dynasty, which was established by Liu Bang in 202 BC, and eliminated in 9 AD by Wang Mang who established a new Dynasty called Xin (also call Xin Mang). Xin Dynasty lasted only from 9 AD to 23 AD and was replaced by Eastern Han Dynasty (23 AD-220 AD). This research was based on two Chinese history books : Shi Ji by Sima Qian andHan Shuby Ban Gu.From established networks, we try to identify key persons and key events in Western Han.


胡進錕获得新竹市清华大学物理系学士(1971), 硕士(1973), 和博士(1976)。曾在加州大学 (1978-1979),缅因大学(1979-1981),多伦多大学(1981-1983),比利时自由大学(1985)和哈佛大学(1991-1993)研究。学术专长包括统计、计算、非线性及生物物理,喜爱历史和跨领域研究,于学术期刊和会议论文集发表学术论文 300 多篇, Web of Science h-index: 39, google scholar h-index: 44, i10-index: 161。曾获四次台湾科技部杰出研究奖、吴三连自然科学奖(1989)、台湾物理学会会士(1996)、教育部学术奖(2005)、物理学会特殊贡献奖 (2014);担任 EPL 共同编辑(2009-2016)Plos One 学术编辑、Scientific Reports 编辑委员会成员和 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 总编辑。曾任国际纯粹及应用物理联合会(IUPAP)统计物理委员会委员(1987-1993)、秘书(1996-2002)及副主席(2002-2005)。现任台湾中研院物理研究所研究员和科技部国家理论科学中心荣誉中心科学家。

关闭 打印责任编辑:丰艳婷